Books or chapters of books
Huihui XU, Kevin ASHLEY, « A Question-Answering Approach to Evaluating Legal Summaries », Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, 2023.
David RESTREPO AMARILES, "Algorithmic Decision Systems", in Woodrow Barfield (dir.), The Cambridge Handbook of the Law of Algorithms, Cambridge University Press, (2020).
Frank Pascale (dir.), New Laws of Robotics Defending Human Expertise in the Age of AI, Harvard University Press, (2020).
Amy SALYZYN, "AI and Legal Ethics" in Florian MARTIN-BARITEAU, Teresa SCASSA (dir.), Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Canada, Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, (2021).
Florian MARTIN-BARITEAU, Teresa SCASSA (dir.), Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Canada, Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, (2021).
Jane BAILEY, Jacquelyn BURKELL, Suzie DUNN, Chandal GOSSE, et al. “AI and Technology-Facilitated Violence and Abuse”, in Florian MARTIN-BARITEAU, Teresa SCASSA (dir.), Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Canada, Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, (2021).
Ignacio COFONE, "AI and Judicial Decision-Making", in Florian MARTIN-BARITEAU, Teresa SCASSA (dir.), Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Canada, Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, (2021).
Florian MARTIN-BARITEAU, Marina PAVLOVIC, "AI and Contract Law" in Florian MARTIN-BARITEAU, Teresa SCASSA (dir.), Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Canada, Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, (2021).
Amy SCHMITZ "Promover La Protección Del Consumidor a Través De La Resolución De Disputas En Línea (Promoting Consumer Protection through Online Dispute Resolution)" in: Agudelo Mejía, D. A. et al. (dir.), Nuevas dinámicas del Derecho Procesal (New Dynamics of Procedural Law), Medellín, Sello editorial Universidad de Medellín, University of Missouri School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper, (2020).
Marco GIACALONE, "Alternative dispute resolution e garanzia di accesso alla giustizia : Nuove forme di tutela nello Stato di Diritto", (2020) 78 Studi e Documenti di Diritto Internazionale e Comunitario p.182
Trevor FARROW, Lesley A. JACOBS (dir.), The Justice Crisis: The Cost and Value of Accessing Law, UBC Press, (2020).
Karim BENYEKHLEF, Pierre-Luc DÉZIEL (dir.), Le droit à la vie privée en droit québécois et canadien, Éditions Yvon Blais éd., Montréal, (2018).
Frank PASQUALE, "The Automated Public Sphere" in Ann RUDINOW, SÆTNAN, Ingriad SCHNEIDER, Nicola GREEN The Politics and Policies of Big Data, Big Brother? (2018).
Antoinette ROUVROY, "Mapping as governance in an Age of Autonomic Computing: Technology, Virtuality and Utopia" in Pol BARGUÉS-PEDRENY, David CHANDLER, Elena SIMON (dir.), Mapping and Politics in the Digital Age, London: Routledge, (2018), p.118-134.
Alexei GRINBAUM (dir.), Les Robots et le mal, Desclée de Brouwer éd., CEA de Saclay, (2019).
Nicolas VERMEYS, Maria-Fernanda ACEVEDO LANAS, "Online Dispute Resolution Platforms as a Public Service: How the Cyberjustice Laboratory’s Platform to Aid in the Resolution of Litigation Electronically (PARLe) is Transforming the Canadian Justice System." in Immaculada Barral Vinals (dir.), El sistema de ADR/ODR en conflictos de consumo: aproximacion critica y prospeccion de futuro, Barcelone, Atelier, (2019), p. 219.
Nicolas VERMEYS, "Les modes privés de prévention et de règlement des différends en ligne" in Pierre-Claude LAFOND (dir.), Régler autrement les différends, 2e éd., Montréal, Lexis Nexis, (2018).
Amy SCHMITZ, "Resolving a New Kind of Trade War Through ODR" dans John Lande (dir.), Theories of Change for the Dispute Resolution Movement: Actionable Ideas to Revitalize Our Movement, (2020).