Subproject 2 - Pre-Conflict Decision Tools for Legal Practitioners

Start - 2018 | End 2024 Duration - 6 years

The objective of this Subproject is to analyze the contribution of algorithmic tools capable of predicting the probable outcome of a trial. The first step towards making them useful tools for practitioners is to understand the functioning of these tools in order to be able to account for their reliability.

Subproject chief 
Kevin Ashley

Research activities 

Case studies 

The JusticeBot project (Procezeus). This chatbot project is originally aimed at non-attorneys. The researchers intend to develop a rule-tree for the domain, which would more naturally be aimed at attorneys.

This case study establishes a link Subprojects 1 and 2.

The Case summarization project. A machine learning algorithm will be trained to generate summaries based on a unique training package consisting of a set of full case reports and summaries prepared by expert humans.

Publications of researchers




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This content has been updated on 22 July 2024 at 12 h 07 min.