Conferences and activities
Marco GIACALONE, Ronald P. LOUI, « Dispute Resolution with Arguments over Milestones: Changing the Representation to Facilitate Changing the Focus », Jusletter IT – The Magazine for IT and Law, (2018).
Nicolas GARNEAU, Eve GAUMOND, Pierre-Luc DÉZIEL, R. KHOURY, Luc LAMONTAGNE, « CriminalBART: A French Canadian Legal Language Model Specialized in Criminal Law », ICAIL 2021, 5 février 2021 (submitted).
Frank PASCALE, "Web-conference : New Laws of Robotics: Defending Human Expertise in the Age of AI", HumanIA, December 7, 2020.
Christophe VILLEMER, Guillaume HELLER, "Webinaire | Jami, un outil de communication au service de la vie privée", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, April 29, 2020.
Patricia BYRNE, Drew JACKSON, David KANDESTIN, Chris MCGRATH, "Webinaire | Beagle, a Chatbot that Helps with Everyday Legal Problems", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 14, 2020.
Richard ROGERS, "Webinaire : Improving Access to Justice Through User-Focused ODR", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 20, 2020.
Xavier BEAUCHAMP, Frédéric PELLETIER, "Programmer une fonction de traitement jurisprudentiel automatisée à CanLII", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 3, 2020.
Erik BORNMANN, Carl ABRAHAMSON, Judith A. WAHL, "Webinar | CLEO’s direct-to-public Guided Pathways for Powers of Attorney", virtual program of the cyberjustice Laboratory, June 4, 2020.
Sylvain LONGHAIS, Julien BOIS, "Web-conférence |Cybersécurité : comment se protéger, son entreprise et ses clients en respectant les bonnes pratiques et exigences légales", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 26, 2020.
Sylvain LONGHAIS, Nicolas VERMEYS, Benoit DUPONT, "Web-entretien | Enjeux de la cybersécurité reliés à une pandémie", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 25, 2020.
Cassandra LAROCQUE-RIGNEY, Élisa HENRY, Chantal BERNIER, "COVID-19 : vie privée et protection des données", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 18, 2020.
Cassandra LAROCQUE-RIGNEY, Karl BRANTING, Kevin ASHLEY, Tom VAN ENGERS, "Web conference | AI'S Contribution to the Administration of Justice", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 15, 2020.
Cassandra LAROCQUE-RIGNEY, Mélanie BOURASSA FORCIER, Martin GIBERT, Daniel WEINSTOCK, RYOA CHUNG, "Web-entretien | Enjeux éthiques du recours à l'intelligence artificielle en temps de pandémie", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 15, 2020.
Simon DU PERRON, Jean-François GAGNÉ, "Pandémie, surveillance et démocratie", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory.
Sylvain LONGHAIS, Philippe MOURON, "L'exploration de la patrimonialité des données personnelles", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory.
Hélène GAVRILOVIC, Marie-Claude SARRAZIN, "Web-conférence | Assermentation par des moyens technologiques", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 5, 2020.
Hélène GAVRILOVIC, Clément SAMSON, Paul-Matthieu GRONDIN, "Web-conférence | Retour d’expérience sur la tenue des audiences virtuelles en temps de pandémie", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 8, 2020.
Guilem SOLER SOLÉ, "El Juicio, instrumento para la justicia : Desafíos tecnológicos en tiempos de pandemia (y para el futuro) - spanish version", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 10, 2020.
Hélène GAVRILOVIC, Guilem SOLER SOLÉ, "Web conference | The Trial as the Means for Justice: Technological Challenges in Pandemic Times", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June10, 2020.
Hélène GAVRILOVIC, Romain BOULET, "Non-conformité de la visio-conférence devant la Chambre de l'Instruction en matière criminelle", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, June 11, 2020.
Hannes WESTERMANN, "Workshop | Understanding Smart Contracts", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 28, 2020.
Hannes WESTERMANN, David RESTREPO AMARILES, "Exploring Compliance Technologies for Privacy", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 29, 2020.
Hannes WESTERMANN, Alexander BERNIER, "Blockchain, Data Protection, and Health Data Management", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 27, 2020.
Maggy BOGETTO, Mark LIKHTEN, Shannon SALTER, Daniel RAINEY, "Web-talk | Online Dispute Resolution in Labor Law", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 20, 2020.
Hannes WESTERMANN, "ODRAI – JusticeBot, prototype et challenge", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 19, 2020.
Tomas VAZQUEZ ROJAS, Nancy LEGGETT-BACHAND "Retour d'expérience : les cliniques Portes 33 de Justice ProBono", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory.
Tomas VAZQUEZ ROJAS, Dominique BOUTIN, Aliaa EL-HAGE, Sophie GAGNON, "Web-entretien | Retour d'expérience - Comment informer le public sur ses droits en période de pandémie ?", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 15, 2020.
Tomas VAZQUEZ ROJAS, Jean-Paul BEVILACQUA, Julie MATHEWS, Katie SYKES, "Learning from experience | How to inform public of their rights in times of crisis", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 14, 2020.
Ilona BOIS-DRIVET, Paul EMBLEY, Catherine LAWRENCE, "Justice and Fast Technological Shift - Canada and USA Situation", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 21, 2020.
Laboratoire de cyberjustice, "Intelligence artificielle et données judiciaires", Espace CDPQ, January 30, 2020.
Laboratoire de cyberjustice, "ICANN 2019", Cyberjustice Laboratory and ICANN, November 2-7, 2019.
Laboratoire de cyberjustice, "Perspectives juridiques de l'intelligence artificielle et de la cyberjustice" , Summer School 2019, June 3-8, 2019.
Hannes WESTERMANN, Erwan JONCHÈRES, Louis ROY, Gilbert BABIN, "Résilience de la blockchain et de ses applications juridiques en temps de crise", virtual program of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, May 26, 2020.