

On the organizational level, the governance and scientific leadership of the ACT project are structured in a manner that continuously brings together the different contributors of the project – researchers, partners, students – through 3 working groups and 16 scientific research projects.


Scientific committee

The Scientific Committee coordinates the entire Project and meets monthly. It is composed of six researchers from research centres and universities that are Project partners.

The Scientific Committee also includes a student and partner coordinator, a partner representative and a student representative.

The Scientific Committee will ensure that each sub-project starts in good conditions, on both the theoretical and methodological levels, and is rooted in a solid and realistic collaboration with partners

Researchers and partners assembly 

The Assembly of Partners and Researchers ensures the participation and constant involvement of the researchers and partners in the Project. It meets once a year.

Each year, at the annual colloquium, the partners’ representatives appoint a representative to sit on the Scientific Committee.

The role of the Assembly of Partners and Researchers is to support the Scientific Committee in its relationships with the justice stakeholders and the industry, as

well as the development of a true culture of collaboration between the world of practice and academia.



Student assembly

The Project provides for the establishment of a Student Assembly composed of all the students working on the Project. Each year, that assembly will hold a general meeting and designate a representative to sit on the Scientific Committee.

One of the goals of the ACT Project is to train the next generation of researchers.

The assemblies will be opportunities for students and members of the Scientific Committee to meet and exchange ideas, and also for students to interact with grant recipients and research assistants.


This content has been updated on 1 September 2020 at 12 h 52 min.