ABA | Dispute Resolution Tech Expo 2020

Cyberjustice Laboratory is excited to be exhibiting at the 2020 ABA Dispute Resolution Expo during the week of September 14-18! Join us to learn how we can meet your needs with a personalized, one-on-one demo appointment. The Expo will also offer educational programs, informational sessions, technology hot tips, entertainment, and socializing opportunities – you don’t want to miss out!


Working virtually is our new normal, but now what? Besides Zoom, what other tools are out there to make working online easier? Look no further than the ABA Dispute Resolution Tech Expo. Tailored to the needs of ADR professionals, the Expo will feature a full week of educational webinars, program demonstrations, technology hot tips, & fun socializing opportunities.

This content has been updated on 15 October 2020 at 10 h 29 min.