Legal Literacy: The New frontier for Online Justice
21 June 2022 • 10:00 11:00
En ligne - Online
This workshop will address the issue of language accessibility in legal documents. The discussion will focus on how a functional literacy framework can be used to reduce complexity court and tribunal forms and improve access to justice. The concept of functional literacy will be introduced, as well as best practices and further resource.
Amy Salyzyn (UniversitY OF Ottawa)
Amy Salyzyn is an ACT researcher and an Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Law. She is a member of the Law Society of Ontario. Amy is the President of the Canadian Association for Legal Ethics. She has also served as co-chair of the board of the National Association of Women and the Law and as a “Learned Counsel Advisor” for the National Association of Bar Counsel (US), Entity Regulation Committee.
Erik Bornmann (CLEO)
Erik is the managing Lawyer, Online Interactive Projects at CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario).
Since 1974, CLEO has developed clear, accurate, and practical legal rights education and information to help people understand and exercise their legal rights. As a community legal clinic and part of Ontario's legal aid system, CLEO work in partnership with other legal clinics and community organizations across the province.
Workshop series | Accessibility: The New Frontier for Online Justice
The current organization of legal systems means that certain audiences face significant barriers (literacy, income, discriminatory bias, etc.) that deprive them of real and concrete access to the law and to justice. The purpose of this workshop series is to review the issues and challenges related to accessibility.
Watch the workshop that took place on June 21, 2022
This content has been updated on 29 June 2022 at 1 h 08 min.